Meet Christina

We want to introduce you to Christina. She is an absolute sweetheart with a sparkle in her eye that makes you want to smile! We had the privilege of working with her to create a fabulous gift for her man and as you look at her images, you'll know that he will be cherishing this gift forever! We asked her about her experience with us and you can find her answers and her images below:

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Q - What made you decide to book a boudoir session with Boudoir Studio 6201?

A - My friend Jessica actually did a photo shoot with you and was always posting the pictures she had taken. The pictures were awesome and one day she posted a link to your website which is what drew me in and made me really want to do a photo shoot of my own.

Q - Please use 3 words to describe how you felt during your boudoir session:

A - Fabulous, Happy, Excited

Q - How did you feel when you first saw your images?

A - I was so excited to see my pictures and my first initial reaction was "WOW! I love them!” They came out better than I could have imagined. 

Q - What advice would you give someone who is not sure about doing a boudoir session?

A - From the moment you walk in till the moment you receive your photos, you feel beautiful. There was never a moment where I felt uncomfortable. The whole experience is amazing and all about YOU!


Meet Michele


Happy Valentine's Day!