Meet Jes

Meet Jes

by Andrea


We are so excited to introduce Jes to everyone!! 

It has been such a great experience working with Jes. Her self motivation and drive astounds me! I have been watching her fitness journey over the last 18 months and she never ceases to amaze me!! Being able to help her show off all the hard work she has put in has been so much fun. We feel so honored that she chose to come back to us for a fitness shoot to help her document this major accomplishment!

She took the time to share a bit of her story with us, so inspiring. Check out what she says:

Q - Give us a brief background story about how you got to where you are today with fitness:

A - I started my fitness journey 4 years ago - but not the right way. I was restricting way too many calories and becoming obsessed with the number on the scale. I became very sick and realized I needed a change! I enrolled as a coach through a company called Beachbody and the rest is history! Three years later I’m a certified group fitness instructor, personal trainer, and have competed in two bikini competitions! I have learned the right way to fuel my body and stay on track by helping other women do the same! 

Q - What made you decide to book a photo shoot with Boudoir Studio 6201?

A - When Andrea reached out to me I was so humbled that she thought of ME! I did my first shoot with her to help her build her portfolio and I was so in love with the work she and your studio put in, I couldn’t help but return when I wanted pictures before my fitness competition! 

Q - How did you feel when you first saw your images?

A - Can I swear? Like a badass - a very glamorous one! 

Q - What would you say to other women who are on a similar fitness journey?

A - I would tell them to never give up. It’s not always going to be easy, in fact, it rarely is! You have to be your biggest fan because people will doubt you, they will want you to fail, and they will criticize you because of their own insecurities. Be the “abnormal” society needs more of. Show up every day to be the best version of yourself for you and your (future) family! I’d also tell them, they are amazing! I think we need more women empowering women in today’s society! 

Check out her fantastic images:

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