Meet Stephanie

Meet Stephanie

by Andrea

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I am so excited to share Stephanie's story with everyone! This session with Stephanie was such a memorable experience.

She has been on a brave journey of pushing herself to try new things and her boudoir session was one of those brave steps. Working with Stephanie was so meaningful because, like most women, she came in with her own fears, concerns and uncertainties, but by the time she saw her images, she felt so confident and beautiful that she actually allowed us to show them off!

Read her own words about the experience here:

Q - How did you feel prior to your session?

A - I was a little nervous prior to my session but also excited as well. Nervous because this was the first time I've ever had a photo session of any kind outside of just getting a headshot for work or formal pictures with family. Excited because I was happy that I was trying out something new that I didn't think I could get myself to do.

Q - Use 3 words to describe how you felt during your session:

A - Confident, beautiful, adventurous

Q - What did you think when you saw your images for the first time?

A - I was amazed, I almost thought I looked like a different person. Between the stylist and the shoot itself, I thought I looked good. Real good. Which is something that I'm definitely not used to thinking.

Q - During this process, you shared that doing this session represented a huge milestone for you. Can you elaborate on that?

A - I've spent many years of my life struggling with depression and self-image issues. I've never been a very confident person and definitely never thought much of myself looks-wise. I've generally always been pretty reserved as well, so the idea of me posing pretty much naked in front of someone I just met and trying to look sexy at all was out of what I'd think was my realm of possibility. But I decided to try it out to expand my horizons. Plus I also wanted to have something to share with my fiance (who always just says I look good anyway, of course). The experience was wonderful, though. Everyone was very professional and once we got started, I wasn't really nervous anymore and never felt uncomfortable during the whole thing. The pictures turned out amazing and I got a book as a gift for my fiance with our favorites. There are not many times in my life where I've really felt beautiful, but this shoot definitely made me feel it. I'm so happy I got the courage to do it!

Now we’re thrilled to share her beautiful images with you, check them out!!

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Valentine's Day 2019!


Jingle his bells. . .