How a Boudoir Session Can Make You Fall in Love With Yourself

by Jillian Doores


When you found yourself scrolling through Boudoir Studios New York’s website, did you have a ping of doubt?

Questioning whether or not YOU have what it takes to do a boudoir session?

The good news is, if you found yourself here, you are doing the research, and let me be the first to say. . . YOU have what it takes to do this!!

Every single woman on our website is not a professional model, but an everyday woman like yourself. Over the years we have found that almost every client is on some sort of self-love journey and is looking to see themselves a little differently. They are seeking to validate their beauty through their own eyes. It is a powerful thing to see yourself as drop-dead gorgeous because far too often, we focus on our flaws.

The beautiful and unexpected thing about boudoir is when you are stripped of your physical clothes you cannot help but be vulnerable in every way.


The tricky thing about self-love is that there is no destination. If you are familiar with Gary Chapman’s The Five Love Languages, then you probably know about his love tank metaphor! The idea is that we all have a love tank that continually is depleting and, in a romantic relationship, we want to effectively keep each other’s love tanks filled. But this concept doesn’t just apply to relationships, it applies to you for yourself! Meaning, you need to continue to set aside time, energy, and effort towards maintaining your own self-care/self-love tank!

Easy right?!

This is where BSNY comes in! While we may not be your ENTIRE self-love journey, we definitely can play a part in helping you keep the self-love tank full.

It can be easy to pick your flaws apart in the mirror, especially after being isolated for so long because of COVID. Literal masks have been hiding our expressions and inhibiting us from reading other people’s expressions or even recognizing anyone we may know.

Who are these people…?

Most importantly. . .who am I?!

This temporary disruption to our lives allows us to reinvent ourselves. Getting to know ourselves can be uncomfortable. Being vulnerable, reflective, compassionate, and forgiving with our flaws are the building blocks for self-acceptance.

We all want to be and feel comfortable in our own skin.

Some may argue that there is no going back to “normal” and that we need to embrace this “new normal”. I know that I am not alone in saying that this past year has forever changed me.

This is the “new me”.

This extraordinary time allowed us to acquire new hobbies and skills that we probably would never have the time to do. We were allowed to lean into who we really are and even explore who we want to be! People lost their jobs and dared to follow a dream instead. Relationships were strengthened or finally broke for the better. We discovered who our essential workers are. We homeschooled, learned to bake, sewed, and redefined the priorities of our lives.

So many people will emerge into this new normal as a new version of themselves. One that you can truly embrace and love better than ever.


With all of this being said, it’s safe to say that many of us have hit the metaphorical wall when it comes to self-love. Our mission is to be the guiding hand to help you break down these walls and keep you moving forward.

We hear from hundreds of women who are looking to see themselves the way their spouses see them. To become more in tune with their femininity and mark a transformational point in their lives. You are not alone in yearning to fall in love with yourself. Maybe for the first time ever.

With most of our clients never doing anything like this before, taking the risk of being vulnerable is abundantly rewarded when they see their final images. The amazement and awe, “That’s really. . . me?!”

Even if you’ve never taken a pretty picture before, let us change your mind.

What makes The Boudoir Studio unique is the genuine interest and time we take to get to know you. We want to hear about your past, your dreams, your challenges, and your triumphs. We want to sit with you on our couch and talk for hours, LITERALLY!


Connecting with the special women who come through our doors is one of the very best parts of our jobs. We want to know where your headspace is at and your reasons behind deciding to do a boudoir session. Connecting and building trust is an enormous part of helping you on your self-love journey.

The image reveal is where it all comes together. After establishing the trust and confidence between you and your photographer, your images reveal a side of you that you may have never seen before. Not only do you look gorgeous, but you also look sexy, sensual, and effortless. Instead of trying to find one you like. . . you are trying to find photos you might be able to live without.

Falling in love with yourself can look different for everyone. Wherever you find yourself on your journey of self-love, know that if you hit a wall and need a pick-me-up, a boudoir session is a great way to mark a transformational point in your life and help fill up the self-love tank.

Are you on a self-love journey?

Want to learn more about how Boudoir can take you farther on that journey?


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