Giving the gift of boudoir

Whether you’re giving to yourself or to a special someone, here are some suggestions for maximizing the gifting experience.

If you’re wondering what to get that special someone in your life, look no further! A gorgeous, luxury boudoir album, with YOU as the centerfold, is hard to beat. Now, since we are more than halfway through December, if you book your session now, it is too late to gift your sweetie with final images for the December holidays. HOWEVER, it is not too late to make the entire experience a sexy and special gift to remember (we’ll tell you how). AND it is also the perfect time to book now and have your images ready for your honey to unwrap on Valentine’s Day. If you’re not already familiar, take a look at the beautiful and giftable products we offer.

If you are planning your photo shoot as a gift for that special someone, realize that you are actually giving an incredible gift to yourself. While moving through the process of discovering your boudoir style, planning your outfits, creating your Pinterest board, being photographed, and experiencing the reveal of your stunning images, the intangible gifts you reap are invaluable.

Because you end up with so much more than you bargain for, gifting a boudoir photography session to yourself is beyond worth it, and here’s why…

  • Your self-image and confidence will soar

  • You will get to know yourself on a deeper level

  • Confidence will seep into your interactions and enhance your relationships

  • You will be more likely to take action and do other things that you may have been afraid to do

  • You will create permanent memories and reminders of how brave and beautiful you are

  • You will strengthen the current perceptions (yours and others’) of how sexy and empowered you are

Can’t wait to give the gift of boudoir photos to your dear one? Here’s what to do…

Go ahead and book your session now. Although the final images and products will not be ready to wrap right away, there are some fun and sexy ways to gift your photo shoot instantly.

  • Choose an article of clothing, or a prop, that you might use in your shoot and wrap it along with a sexy message letting them know what’s coming

  • Create a scavenger hunt that incudes hints toward finally revealing your intentions of gifting the boudoir images

  • Make a series of cards that let your person know how much they mean to you, revealing your plan to provide the boudoir images on you final card…a la Love Actually.

Choosing one of these options allows the entire boudoir process to become the gift. Your partner can share in the planning while building anticipation for the reveal or for the presentation of your final images and chosen products. Plan a few playful date nights to look at outfits and poses that you want to include in your session. Take your sweetie to the image-reveal and then go out for a nice dinner to bask in the post-reveal glow together. We’re talking quality bonding time, here. Creating life-long memories that ignite your fires and set the sparks a-flying!

May we remind you that Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it. So even if you prefer to experience this process solo, you can still give your final images as a boudoir-licious surprise along with that box of chocolates.

You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
— Kahlil Gibran

One final note about the gift of boudoir. Whether you are giving it to yourself or to someone else, this form of GIVING is truly meaningful. You are giving of yourself. Your vulnerability, your intimacy, your self-love and/or love for another, your heart, your soul…YOUR YOU. In your truest and most exquisite form. THAT is the one of the most precious things you can offer.


An Erotica photo shoot? But I’m a man!


The a to z’s of your unique boudoir Style