A new year at Boudoir studios new york

How are you kicking off 2023? HAve you adopted a resolution? Are you shedding something that no longer serves you or starting something fresh and different?

Here at Boudoir Studios New York, we are excited about starting off the new year with a focus on celebrating the beauty of our true selves. There is nothing quite as liberating or empowering as accepting ourselves, ‘warts and all,’ while realizing that our dazzling allure only becomes more pronounced when we embrace our true selves! To commemorate this, we are offering an unbelievable special offer for the month of January. Come along with us and begin the new year with a focus on loving and honoring yourself.

We are not the only ones acknowledging the need to reconnect with our unabashed true selves. We asked the ladies in our Facebook group, The Boudoir Lounge, for their thoughts on this new year, and the resounding theme was to focus on loving ourselves, OUR TRUE SELVES…Here’s what they had to say:

To be more kind to myself and and practice more about self-love.
— Jessie Naber
To love myself as I am
— Gina Marie

Teresa Conner and Amy Andolora shared that they are looking to set specific goals rather than declare resolutions. Teresa emphasized action-focused goals over expecting specific results, while Amy identified the importance of allowing time and space for things to happen. Once again, these women are aiming to grow in ways that permit their true selves to flourish rather than judge themselves harshly for their actions and outcomes.

Resolutions are meant to be broken. It’s [a] new year, fresh start and new beginnings. Intentional is the key to this and trying to change old habits to bring about different, more desired outcomes.
— Amanda Bement-Shestakoff

The team at BSNY invites you to deepen the connection with your authentic self. What does that look like for you? If you could use a little inspiration, look for Teresa’s 10 Day Reset in The Lounge, where she will guide us toward being more intentional in remembering who we really are as we step into 2023. Be on the lookout, too, for upcoming blog posts about embracing your own precious sexuality and using visualization techniques to be present as your truest and best self (Spoiler alert: your best self is not perfect, nor should she be!).

Embracing your true self radiates a natural beauty that cannot be diluted or ignored. Confident, powerful, untamable, badass you!
— Steve Maraboli
And suddenly you know: It’s time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.
— Meister Eckhart


Sex positivity: Catch fire & come alive


My post session glow hasn’t faded