Facing Your Fear

‘Tis the season for Spooky Ghost Stories and scary movies.

The tradition to acknowledge all things frightful originated, in part, from the real-world concerns of the Gaelic people in the 9th century, who faced the long, cold winter not knowing whether they would survive to see the spring. It’s reasonable to understand how the threat of death could inspire dread and fear. That’s rational, right? Fearing for your life motivates action to ensure that you live another day.

However, today we fear so many things that don’t remotely threaten our physical safety. Fear has insidiously spread into many facets of our life where it just doesn’t belong. These days it’s common to fear things like failure, inadequacy, judgment, change, rejection, losing control, and the unknown. This type of fear, though, can prevent us from moving forward, taking exciting new opportunities, and achieving our true potential. It keeps us ‘safe’ but stagnant. It doesn’t protect our life…it keeps us from truly living!

This is the type of fear that holds you back from the liberation and empowerment that come from your own boudoir shoot.

Is fear getting in your way? Are you letting self-doubt fool you into thinking you’re not enough? That you don’t have what it takes?

When I was 25, I wanted to gift my then husband with a set of sexy photos, but I was too afraid. I didn’t go through with it. I was afraid of being judged. I was afraid of being seen as self-indulgent. I was afraid of my husband’s reaction. I was afraid my thighs were too fat. I was afraid that the wrong people would find out and that I wouldn’t like the finished product.

25 years later I still had some of those fears (most, in fact). This time though, I didn’t let it stop me.

Chances are, if you can relate to this, you have similar thoughts and beliefs about yourself. That’s all these fears are you know…thoughts and beliefs.

They are not facts

I figured out how to push past these thoughts and beliefs. Would you like to know how?

You’ve heard the phrase ‘Fake it ‘til you make it?” Well…YESSSSSSSSSSSS!

There’s no magic wand or switch to flip that will make these fears disappear UNTIL you’re doing that thing that you’re afraid of. That’s when you say to yourself, “Oh my…I’M DOING IT!!!” And that’s the moment the fear will vanish into thin air…like magic.

Being Brave isn’t the absence of fear. Being brave is having that fear but finding a way through it
— Bear Grylls

Take it one small step at a time. It’s way less overwhelming that way. First, just book a discovery call and see how that feels. If it feels right, you’ll take the next step…and the next.

Once you’ve decided to move forward with your own shoot, use the time leading up to it to become an expert at ‘faking it.’ Visualize yourself having the time of your life! See yourself going through the process and loving every minute of it. Parts of your brain don’t know the difference between real and imagined experiences. Therefore, the more you fantasize about having that confidence and showing up for an incredibly empowering experience…the more likely you are to have one!

In the days before your photo session, be intentional about surrounding yourself with positivity and encouragement. Post inspiring words and pictures where you can see them often. Watch, listen to, and read uplifting films, podcasts, and books. Be in the moment as much as you can, getting out of your head, where those irrational thoughts like to bounce around.

It’s okay to be scared...Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave.
— Mandy Hale

We usually regret the things we didn’t do, the opportunities we didn’t take. And when we muster the courage to take a risk and experience something uncomfortable and new, WE EVOLVE! It’s impossible not to. I know I did.

What about you? In the comments below, tell me how you have overcome fear or how you plan to do so in the future.

Fear has two meanings. ‘Forget Everything And Run,’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise.’ The choice is yours.
— Zig Ziglar


Making friends with your (perceived) imperfections


Looking in the mirror