How gratitude saved my life

“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.”

— Charles Dickens

When I look at my life today, I see so much that I am deeply grateful for everywhere: my beautiful and loving wife, my wonderful children,  good health, the fact that I am simply breathing, to name a few.

Being grateful and expressing gratitude are becoming a natural part of my existence in an ever increasing way. As I look back over the years however, I remember a time not too long ago, when being grateful was the furthest thing from my mind.

I was grossly miserable, depressed beyond my ability to explain in words. Every morning I loathed getting out of bed and wished the day was already over. Throughout the day I would set 15 minute timers begging God to help me make it through the next 15 minutes or to simply remove me from life itself. During lunch breaks at work I would walk to a nearby park and just pass out under a tree, sometimes wishing that I simply didn't awake, ever.

During that time, however, I was still reading books and listening to inspirational messages everyday, a self-development habit that I had formed years ago. One day I was struck by a message about being grateful right where I was in life. It deeply convicted me and I began feebly to express gratitude for my life. I remember reading that more is given to those who are grateful and that those who are not grateful eventually end up losing what they have. I read that happiness is a precursor to success and not the other way around. You are not successful and then become happy. You become happy first and success follows.

The mere act of saying I was grateful for anything was gigantic. I felt so small and weak to express those words. But like any journey in life, you begin by taking a step, then another, then another and so on. I expressed thankfulness in spite of my circumstances and thus embarked on my journey to developing an attitude of gratitude. Soon my time under that tree was spent declaring with passion what I was grateful for rather than hoping for an escape.

It was during one of those times of “gratitude declarations” that I was inspired to make a career change which led to my life being completely transformed. I can honestly say that my life today is led by gratitude and my perspective is a stark contrast to what it used to be.

Ironically, however, my life today has far greater challenges compared to what I faced in those dark times. Life was much simpler and easier then than it is now. The things I am deeply grateful for today were present even in that time but I was blind to them. My perspective was skewed. At this time my story doesn't have a happy ending in terms of life being a piece of cake but my attitude is completely different. I guess that is because my story isn't over yet. I am still on my journey. I just view it from a much higher vantage point than I did back then.

I have gratitude, real and genuine gratitude that wells up from my heart each and every day. I am happy, in the truest sense and I am confident that I am heading in the direction of my dreams to live the life I have imagined for myself and my family.

Also, I am so grateful for my awesome team at Boudoir Studio 6201. We get to be in a business where we empower women. It is truly rewarding to be a small part of making countless women look and feel beautiful, confident and sexy.

So if you are one of the ladies we've had the privilege of working with, thank you! We are grateful for you!

-- Asif and the team at Boudoir Studio 6201

PS - Just a reminder, our Valentine's Day promo is expiring on February 10th so get in touch with us soon if you want to schedule your session! Check out the details HERE.




A Gift of Love