5 Indispensable Qualities Your Boudoir Photographer MUST Have So You Can Avoid Disappointment


When shopping around for a boudoir photographer there is so much more to research than just gorgeous images. Because this industry requires clients to be so vulnerable, it’s important to look for qualities in a studio that are maybe not as obvious. A website and gallery of images can look absolutely perfect and welcoming; however, being comfortable and safe is just as, if not MORE, important as getting great photos.

We have compiled a list of 5 Indispensable Qualities to look for in a boudoir studio that may or may not be apparent at first.

  1. Professionalism

When looking for a professional boudoir photographer it is important to choose someone whose main focus is boudoir photography. We believe that professionalism transcends the gender and passion of a photographer. It’s not enough if a boudoir photographer is a “female” and “loves” to photograph women. The question you ought to ask is: “Are you a trained professional, dedicated to boudoir photography as your main occupation?” Look for all the services they provide as a photographer. If boudoir is one of many, then ask why that is so. This will give you an insight into their true priorities. Boudoir photography is a daring, intimate and vulnerable adventure of empowerment. A trained professional boudoir photographer can provide you with a full experiencethat can possibly change the way you see yourself in the mirror for the rest of your life. A professional must be capable of doing these two things: 1) knowing how to pose you in flattering ways that draw out the beautiful essence of your femininity and 2) creating captivating imagesthat not only let you see what others already see in you, but also let you feel the power of your own beauty. It would be just awful to gain enough courage to have your boudoir photos taken. . . only to have an inexperienced photographer mishandle your vulnerabilities and deliver less-than-flattering images of you. As you can see this would prove to be more damaging than empowering.

2. Communication

In our opinion, feeling comfortable goes hand-in-hand with great communication. From the moment you receive a response to your inquiry you can begin to gauge how comfortable you’ll feel by not only the content of the response but also it’s promptness. From your initial contact you can sense the priority of the photographer. Is it to get you in as soon as possible? Is it to get you to book and pay right now? Or is it to help you learn more and gain your trust? There should be understanding and space for you to ask any questions without fear of judgment or embarrassment. A professional studio ought to communicate clearly how you will be assisted and guided every step of the way. It can be so difficult to decide what to wear, how to have your makeup and hair done, and every little question along the way should be answered. Before you book your session, you ought to have an idea of what the process is, how it is executed and why it’s done that way. You should also know a ball-park of what you’ll spend, what you will get for that and how payment and delivery is handled. A professional boudoir photographer ought to help you understand all of this clearly before you book and ensure that you feel comfortable with the whole process.

3. Guidance/Coaching

Most women who hire boudoir photographers are not professional models. This means that they are not familiar with posing and looking “sexy” for the camera. Some of these women have never even worn lingerie before. Therefore it is imperative that you are provided with a safe and judgment-free space to express and explore your own femininity. A professional boudoir photographer provides you with clear and thorough coaching throughout your boudoir portrait session so you don’t have a moment when you freeze-up or feel “silly.” Most often, what we think looks sexy and flattering in our minds does not actually translate well in photos. It’s important to have an experienced and knowledgeable photographer who knows how to work with every body type and give you clear step-by-step instructions to achieve your desired look.


4. Location

Where are you getting your boudoir photos taken? Maybe this is a less obvious quality when researching a boudoir photographer; however, this is a very important quality to consider. Is the session going to take place at a hotel or an Airbnb? Who will pay for it? Is the session going to take place in YOUR home? The photographer’s home?. . . In the photographer’s own bed? Eeeeeeeeek! Choose an established photographer with his/her own dedicated boudoir studio space. Being safe and comfortable will always transfer through to your photos. Check out the location on Google maps, and be sure to be given a tour of the space before you book the portrait session.


5. Trust

Trust is paramount. When searching for a boudoir photographer you should look for longevity and social proof. You do not want to entrust the task of your boudoir photography to some flash-in-the-pan photographer with little to no history. You want someone who has been around for a while and has a whole host of returning clients who gladly refer their friends. Read the reviews and watch the videos, if they have any. It is hard to open up to a stranger! Your photographer should take the time to get to know you, your level of comfortability, and your desired expectations. If you do not feel a connection with your photographer you will have a hard time opening up and trusting the process. You should always speak directly to your photographer before your session, whether in person, video chat, or at least a phone call as there can be a lack of connection through just email and text. It is completely normal to feel nervous before your session; however, those nerves can dissipate if you know you can trust your photographer.

Here at The Boudoir Studio it has been our mission for a decade to gain your trust and to never lose it!


Ready to put us to the test to see if we have the 5 Indispensable Qualities?

Schedule your discovery call!


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