Erotica: The Ultimate Body Neutral Pursuit

by Teresa Conner

body neutral celebration

When you have the opportunity to view the final images from an erotica session at Boudoir Studios New York, it is possible to misattribute the beauty you are beholding to the physique of the bodies in the photos. While appreciating beautiful bodies is absolutely something we celebrate here, if you give yourself another moment to take in what is striking and full of emotion in the image, you will likely realize that the shape and composition of the bodies involved wasn’t a factor at all. Erotica is bringing you into the client’s moment of love, lust, kink, ecstasy, chemistry, freedom, control, skill, or adventure.

Erotica takes the stairs away from boudoir in such a way that we’re no longer owning our beauty,  but have moved on to claiming our pleasure. Having a body has made the client worthy of this without any pressure to prove attractiveness or positivity towards self. Even on a day when you don’t feel like the immaculately magnificent being you absolutely are, you still have the inherent right to your pleasure. The stunning images that take our breath away communicate the practice of this right by consenting adults in a variety of bodies, relationships, and preferences. In a world and social climate where this kind of art is often censored, especially when people in marginalized or non-conforming bodies are involved, the term ‘body neutrality’ is actually not as chill as it sounds. Body neutrality in a culture that seems obsessed with opinions and commentaries about bodies is quite the rebel act.

What is Body Neutrality?

Body neutrality is the practice of observing your body without judgement. The concept is different from the more popular body positivity movement which encourages body love and acceptance. There are a variety reasons why a person may choose to focus on body neutrality instead of positivity. One reason we hear often is that eliminating focus on appearance allows more time and energy for other areas of self growth and appreciation. The shift from body positivity to body neutrality has allowed some to be able accept their body right now even if it still doesn’t look how they would like it to eventually. Body neutrality in our studio means that the body you are in right now is going to be perfect in your session. Your readiness to do an erotica session is what we assess for, not your physical appearance.

Can you be body neutral if you struggle with self esteem or body image? 

YES! The beauty of body neutrality is that you do not need to have arrived at any particular destination in your self love or body image journey. Every one of our clients shares thoughts and feelings about their physical appearance with us, and your photographer is going to guide and support you through the entire process to make sure your are comfortable during your shoot and you love what you see in your final images. If you have made the brave leap to schedule your session with Boudoir Studios New York, you already know the value of choosing a professional studio who is going to meet with you long before a camera ever comes out. The photographers (Asif & Andrea) will hear your story and vision, guide you through outfit planning, give you individualized pose coaching, and retouch your images before your final reveal appointment.

We are going to partner with you in this journey so you are not alone throughout this process. And, there is a moment when you’ll see your images and fall in love with yourself - body and all - and you’ll realize that the body in that photo is the same body that walked into the studio, which is the same body that sat down to view the session images. The worst kept secret in our studio is that it’s not your body that will make your photos amazing… It’s YOU. Your strength. Your story. You showing up in your authenticity is what makes every photo from BSNY the magic it is. You don’t have to change or love your body first. 

However you describe your body: small, large, soft, hard, disabled, feminine, masculine, etc: becoming more or less of that will not make you more or less worthy of pleasure. We welcome all bodies here at Boudoir Studios New York. Wherever you are in your personal feelings about your body, we would love to support you and help you see yourself through a loving, pleasure filled lens.

Are you ready to own your pleasure?


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