How to (Really) Prepare For Your Boudoir Photography Session

by Francesca Flansburg

Hey beautiful! So you’ve chosen to be bold and take a transformational journey to greater levels of self-confidence, personal discovery, and powerful self-love? Congratulations!!! You have taken a brave step towards something pretty freaking amazing. But the anticipation of your first boudoir, or intimate, photography session can be a little (or a lot) overwhelming. While we can’t take away the ‘butterflies’ you might experience leading up to photoshoot day, we will guide you through the process, helping you attend to all the details to give you confidence and ease your mind so that you show up on the day of your session ready to rock and roll. So, take a deep breath and get ready to SHINE!

Preparation, I have often said, is rightly two-thirds of any venture
— Amelia Earhart

Get Ready,

Your first step will be to find and define your specific style. This will help guide you in planning your outfits, accessories, and props. You’ll then be able to communicate this with your photographer, Asif or Andrea, so that they can begin planning for your session as well. If you haven’t already done so, take our Discover Your Boudoir Personality Quiz . Use your results to start exploring and planning your outfits. For more inspiration, check out our Updated Lingerie Guide and look through our Ultimate Boudoir Gallery . Have FUN with this!!! Explore different ideas and really take the time to find what speaks to you.

Next step…shop! Go shopping in your own closet (I did). Or, peruse the countless sites and online shops to find some new threads. Another option is to visit a few brick and mortar stores, if that’s your style. You could be supporting a wonderful local small business and you can then try before you buy. Be sure to try on your outfits before you make final decisions about what to wear. Decide what shoes, accessories, and/or props (if any) to pair with each ensemble. And if you’re hedging between a few different pieces or accessories, you’ll have ample opportunity to consult with your photographer (or ask for opinions from former clients in our private Facebook group, The Boudoir Lounge) for support and guidance. Still deciding between those strappy heels and the over-the-knee boots on the morning of your session? Bring both!

Once you’ve chosen your outfits and accessories, you are well on your way to being ready, Freddy! But to get REALLY ready, like next-level ready, here are other things to consider and possibly start planning for:

  • Preparing for your silkiest skin: maybe you start hydrating a little bit more and paying attention to strategic exfoliating and moisturizing. Pro tip: limit your time in the hot shower, as the warm water tends to dry you out.

  • Fingers and toes! Maybe strengthen your nails and let them grow…maybe not. Perhaps get a mani/pedi and start treating your tootsies a little bit. Pro tip: exfoliate and moisten your feet before bed and sleep in light, cotton socks.

  • Does your hair need a trim? Does your color need sprucing up? Whatever you decide, we do not recommend trying anything too new immediately before your session to avoid any potential regrets.

  • What is the best way for you to treat and groom body hair? If you have time, perhaps schedule a wax or look into IPL hair removal (which takes about 6 weeks to permanently remove about 70% of hair for certain individuals). If shaving leads to bumps or ingrown hairs, you may want to be mindful of this when you shave prior to your session.

  • Food for thought: is there a way to use nutrition to your advantage in prepping for your special day? For example, have you ever done a juice cleanse or a detox diet? This is certainly not necessary; however, if it’s in your wheelhouse, maybe schedule a brief cleanse before your shoot. It might help you feel energetic, light, and clean for your session. If you have never done a cleanse and you are interested in trying one, consult your physician for advice on which one would be the best for you. AND…do not try it for the first time right before your photo shoot. For some people, a cleanse can actually cause fatigue, bloating, and headache. So. . . use caution and plan accordingly.

  • Although completely optional, you may want to plan something special for the day before and/or the evening of your shoot. Consider pampering yourself with a massage, a Float Therapy session, a special gathering with people who build you up, or a quiet evening reading your favorite book with a soothing cup of tea.

Get Set,

Okay, it’s the day before your photography session. Are you excited? You should be! And if you do notice those ‘butterflies’ making an appearance, chalk it up to just that. . . excitement! It is exhilarating to move outside your comfort zone and experience personal growth. Practically speaking, however, you’ll want to be sure to hydrate very well today. Posing for extended periods of time (don’t fret, there will be plenty of break periods) can be physically taxing. Prepare yourself by drinking lots of fresh, clean water, herbal tea, or nourishing fruit and vegetable juices. Consider limiting caffeine and (definitely) alcohol to avoid becoming dehydrated. You can always bring a little ‘liquid courage’ to your photo shoot. Perhaps sip on a glass of wine while changing into your next outfit. . . ahhhhh (or don’t, you know…do you!).

Additional things to do the day, or evening, before your session:

  • Pack your bags! Get your outfits, accessories, and props all packed and ready to go. You may also want to bring miscellaneous items like deodorant, lotion, clear nail polish, and a nail file with you.

  • Gather any snacks or drinks that you plan to have with you. Consider bringing bottled water or a couple quick, easy (and not too messy) snacks to keep you fueled and energized throughout the day. Another pro tip: nuts and grapes are neat and small enough to eat without wrecking your gorgeous lipstick! If you don’t like nuts or grapes, well. . . you get the idea.

  • Shower the evening before heading to the studio. You will want to arrive with clean, dry, product-free hair for your stylist, so wash and dry your hair tonight.

  • Sleep with loose-fitting (or no) clothing to avoid any elastic, or other, indentations on your skin.

  • Try to get a good night’s sleep, but don’t stress if you are hyped up and have trouble getting to bed. If you find yourself too excited to sleep, pick up a book or listen to a soothing meditation and just relax. You are going to be AMAZING!!!


Yup, it’s go time! The morning of your shoot - believe it or not - You. Are. Ready. But here are our suggestions for maximizing your special day:

  • Breathe…you’ve got this. And we’ll be there to guide you every step of the way.

  • Eat a light breakfast. Have something that won’t bog you down or give you a sugar crash mid-day. Some options to consider might include moderate-fiber carbs, high-quality proteins and healthy fats to keep you feeling full and satisfied through the morning. Need suggestions? Check out these models’ favorite pre-photoshoot breakfast options.

  • Again, wear loose-fitting clothing to the studio. Avoid wearing socks, bras, or anything that will leave indentations on your skin.

  • Enjoy the ride! Whether you drive to the studio, take an uber, have a friend drop you off, or arrive by horse and buggy…just be present and get ready to enjoy the efforts you have put into making this day special for yourself. You deserve it.

Now remember, this is a guide to help you prepare in the ways that are going to create the best experience FOR YOU. It is designed to help you think of all the details that will help YOU feel ready for the day. Whatever you do, try to be be thoughtful in giving yourself what you need to show up as your truest self, knowing that you ARE ready to rock your session. Rest assured you have done your part. Even if you’ve done practically nothing to ‘prepare’ you will still be in expert hands on the day of your photoshoot. No outfits necessary for beautiful nudes! At this point, let it all go and let Asif and Andrea work their magic.

If you have questions that were not addressed, please use our Lounge to seek advice from our team and past clients. It is truly a safe space where those of us who’ve been through the process are thrilled to share our experiences to help make yours as spectacular and as exceptional as you are.


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